Event First Aid

Highlands First Aid provides First Aid coverage at events.

What kind of Medical team do I need for my event?

Event organisers quite often tell us they have a nurse, or someone who has a First Aid Certificate, that can provide First Aid services for their event, without realising the risk implications.

If your nurse works in an aged care facility, or a cancer ward, they are still classified as a nurse, but they may have little, to no experience in the assessment, treating, stabalisation, and decision making processes, that are inherently important in the pre-hospital medical care field.

Highlands First Aid can provide Paramedics, Intensive Care Paramedics, Triage Nurses, and First Responders, all with extensive hands on experience in pre-hospital care. All our team has worked at events as diverse as low risk school fetes, through to high-risk rodeos, karate championships, rugby tournaments, livestock events, and large crowd events, where instant decisions may save lives.

We provide event first aid in the Southern Highlands, Sydney, Canberra, Wollongong and the Illawarra. However please free to contact us to discuss options for other regions as well.

Equipment carried:

OXYGEN RESUSCITATION – Oxy Viva, NRB masks, Hudson Masks, Nebuliser masks, Bag Valve masks, iGels, oropharyngeal, and nasopharyngeal airways, and suction.

CARDIAC ARREST –Automated External Defibrillator (AED), Cardiac Monitor with 12 lead monitoring

TRAUMA – First Responder Equipment, Burns Dressings, Haemostatic Dressings, Chest Seals, and tourniquets

SPINAL– Spinal scoop stretchers, Cervical Neck Collars, Head Blocks

FRACTURES – Splints, including “T Pod” Pelvic Splinting, & “SAM” Pelvic Binders (a must for horse / livestock events)


S4 PAIN RELIEF, Penthrox (Methoxyflurane), S3 Nebulised Asthma Medications (Salbutamol, Atrovent), Adrenaline for Anaphylaxis, & Asthma Extremis

DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT– For monitoring vital signs, including cardiac monitoring

3 x 3 metre TRIAGE / TREATMENT TENT, with beds, chairs, lighting, and back up stores

Two way radios

Customer Feedback


We have received very high praise for your efforts on the day, both via email and anecdotally from those people who were assisted by you and from others who were appreciative of your efforts.

I think that the presentation of your staff goes a long way to ensuring confidence in the public at events such as ours.

The professionalism, dedication, skill, and ease to get along with that you and your staff display is refreshing and very much welcomed by the Bundanoon Highland Gathering Committee.

Peter Hill
Secretary Bundanoon Highland Gathering

Highlands First Aid is a preferred Medical Service Provider to Equestrian Australia

Crowded House, A Day on the Green, Centennial Winery

Bundanoon is Brigadoon Highland Gathering

Sydney Jewish Museum

Monitoring Holocaust Survivors at Sydney Jewish Museum

Nowra Rodeo Bull Ride

Fire Aid concert 2020 Bong Bong Racecourse

Royal Far West Bike Ride

Royal Far West Children’s Charity Bike Ride, Dubbo to Cobar

Goulburn Rodeo

Goulburn Rodeo

The Highlands First Aid Team in Action

Just some of the different types of events that Highlands First Aid provides medical support for:

  • Multiple Rodeos
  • Equestrian Events including Polo
  • Local, State & Australian Karate Championships
  • National Road Racing Cycling Championships
  • Mountain Bike Events
  • Rugby League Games
  • Rugby Union Games
  • AFL Games
  • Super 7’s Rugby Games
  • Fundraising Events
  • Australia War Memorial Canberra
  • Australia Defence Force Academy Canberra
  • ACT Suburban Land Council Canberra
  • National Capital Authority Canberra
  • Government House Canberra
  • Tennis ACT
  • Regional Shows
  • Bundanoon is Brigadoon Highland Gathering
  • School Fetes
  • University of NSW
  • School Sporting Fixtures
  • Supply National Events including;
  • NAIDOC Week in Hyde Park
  • Protest Marches
  • Connect at Sydney International Convention Centre
  • Nike Zoom Camp
  • Masters Swimming NSW
  • Christmas Carols
  • School Camps
  • Fire Aid 2020 Benefit Concert
  • Australian Institute of Sport Canberra

Contact Us Today to Discuss Your Event Requirements