31 July 2019
What is First Aid?

First Aid, it’s something that scares a great many people. What do I do? What if I make a mistake? Do I have a First Aid Kit? Where did I put it? How do I use the contents? All these questions start spinning around in your head when “something” happens, and if it’s a loved one, the pressure is even greater.
So, What is First Aid? It is:
- Initial care of the sick or injured
- Promote a safe environment
- Preserve Life
- Prevent injury or illness becoming worse
- Help promote recovery
Here are a few tips to take the SCARE FACTOR out of applying First Aid to someone in need.
Firstly, “Do No Harm”. This saying derives from the Hippocratic Oath, and means treat within your skill level, or put another way, don’t try to do open brain surgery with your rusty Swiss Army Knife.
Secondly, keep to basics. Arrest (stop) Life threatening bleeding. Follow the mnemonic; DRSABCD. This expands to Danger (to yourself and to others), Response (are they conscious), Send for help (call 000, or 112), Airway (do they have an open airway), Breathing (are they breathing), Circulation (is their heart beating), and Defibrillation (if in Cardiac Arrest, they need to be defibrillated).
I have three rules of First Aid:
- Looks crook, is crook
- Reassurance, Reassurance, Reassurance
- Air goes in & out, blood goes ‘round & ‘round, any variation we have a problem
With these rules in mind, your job as a First Aider, is to simply recognise someone needs help, reassurer them to keep them calm, keep them breathing, and stop them bleeding. That’s it!!!!! Try not to over complicate it.
If you wish to learn more about First Aid, Highlands First Aid runs several First Aid courses, from CPR and basic First Aid through to Advanced First Aid, Advanced Resuscitation, and Remote First Aid courses.
We are currently introducing a “Mums ‘n’ Bubs” course for new parents, which will teach you all the things you need to know for Infant First Aid. Why? Because they didn’t come with an instruction manual!
Keep a watch out for our next blog where we will talk about defibrillation, why CPR alone will not bring someone back, and why you must defibrillate someone in Cardiac Arrest, to give him or her any chance of survival.
Stay Safe,