HLTAID013 – Provide First Aid in Remote or Isolated Site

The course

The course is a two-day intensive course, that on successful completion will give the participant four (4) x competencies; HLTAID009 – Provide CPR, HLTAID010 – Provide Basic Emergency Life Support, HLTAID011 – Provide First Aid, and HLTAID013 – Provide First Aid in remote or isolated site.

We provide the skills and knowledge required to perform basic to advanced first aid interventions to a casualty in a remote or isolated site over an extended period of time where medical assistance is likely to be delayed.  We then teach how to stabalise the patient over a period of time until medical assistance is provided, or evacuation occurs.

The course teaches how to plan your trip, organise an evacuation, utilise non first aid equipment for first aid use, monitor clinical changes by taking diagnostic observations of your patient, and teamwork.

Course content

  • Shock – absolute, & relative
  • Duty of care, consent, negligence, reporting
  • Debriefing
  • Chain of survival
  • The emergency action plan
  • The unconscious casualty
  • Airway management
  • CPR & defibrillation
  • Trauma
  • Splinting, including femoral traction splinting
  • Medical emergencies, pulse, respiration rates, temperature
  • Stabilising a patient, hypothermia/hyperthermia
  • Remote survival
  • Evacuation guidelines, improvising equipment
  • Setting up a helicopter landing site

Upon successful completion of the course you will be issued with a Nationally Accredited Certificate.

Highlands First Aid is a licensed training partner of Corporate Training Solutions, RTO ID 4256.

Preparing a femoral traction splint

Preparing a femoral traction splint

Preparing a “hypothermic wrap” to                                                     extricate a patient

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